Ingrid Yoga | About Ingrid
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With two decades of experience in the health and wellness industry, Ingrid  has dedicated her career to helping individuals achieve optimal health through a comprehensive and holistic approach. Beginning her journey in the fitness sector, Ingrid specialized in exercise prescription and personal training, laying a strong foundation for her multifaceted expertise.

As her career progressed, Ingrid’s passion for a more integrated approach to health led her to further studies in nutrition. She developed a keen interest in holistic wellness, which prompted her to explore and gain certifications in Yoga, Ayurveda, and nutrition.

Today, Ingrid is a certified Yoga Health Coach, Breathwork Coach, and Nutritionist and Integrative Health Practitioner. Her approach emphasizes personalized care, focusing on the root causes of health issues to promote long-term well-being and balance.

Ingrid’s diverse background and holistic perspective make her a versatile and compassionate practitioner dedicated to supporting her clients on their journey to complete health and wellness.